Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Student Council


Let me introduce myself. I come from XI Science 2 grade, and i want to tell you about the school where we have to study. So I give one question to you, how about your feeling when you come to this school You feel glad, sad, satisfied, or boring? Yes, only yourself can feel your feeling.

No matter about your feeling, what the next thing you will do for our school? Just come to school, sit to receive the subject studyfrom the teacher, and then go homewith empty skill? Remember friend! You go to school to shape your self skill, to share with our friend, to make your ability, not only for studying. All about your young-aged life that you can explore and take them when you go to school. You can search your personality here to get the better life. Anything you can take in our school.

So, here I am, I want to take you all to get all-thing that you want to do in our school and to maximalize our self-skill that we all searching in our young age.You want to maximalize your value in all subject? Here we are! We can do this! It can be occupied when we are in one unite to take that mission! You want to improve your activity in your club? Here we are! We can! We can!

But, how about your wish, if you aren't have your motivation in yourself? You just take all it in your wish list. So, here I am! I want you to vote the student leader who can motivate you! The wish always be the wish if you not started the thing that you need.

You need your motivation from yourself to get all things that you wish for build our better life and for ourschool, OK? I am Alza Amirzan, and, here we are for our success!

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