Minggu, 15 Juni 2014


My vacation in December 2013 and started with the service in the village Sukapura village, Bandung regency. I laid there with family Pak Agus. with 2 of my friends, aandika and bima, I spent the night at the house of Mr Agus for 2 nights. there I experienced many unforgettable memories. I was advised by Mr. Agus lot, I also follow the daily activities Pak Agus, such as planting and controlling garden, cook, clean the house, and others.

Besides that, I also always rejoin my friends at Pirates. We have a base camp, the green mosques and homes dante, ie rw posyandu in another. we do makrab, play, and talk together during bakdes underway. This adds bakdes event of our togetherness and also add to our social activities with residents there. We also do activities with the children chanting there after maghrib prayer. It's good. We played ball with the kids in the village Saluyu a very broad field.

Upon completion bakdes we went home again with a very satisfied feeling can join with the pirates for the creation of togetherness.

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014


# 3 April 2014
I started the day as usual. but nothing special, it was the day the distribution of report cards. Indeed, the value of i is not too special, but I am satisfied with what I have achieved over half of the semester. around 10:00, at school I immediately focused on turbud which will take place from the evening. I as a logistics committee to prepare all the equipment and items that will be used for the implementation of turbud. at 14.00, I went home to prepare personal belongings, because I have not been packing like other children. traffic jam at all so I had to get off of public transportation options to go home. Arriving at home, I immediately set up everything, and say goodbye to the whole family in the house. then I went to the station at 16:00, and finally I got to the station Kebon Kawung at the right time. I together with my friends waiting for the train departure time aiming to Surabaya. at 19:00, it was time to get on the train with my friends the other # 32 015. I was in the carriage with some class 1 and all children XI.1 IX.2. Because I am sick and can not be silent, finally after 1 hour of being in the hopper 1, I tried visiting the carriage 2. Turns twinge streets. I meet a lot of new things, new waffle and certainly closer relationship with the kids # 32015. then I tried to car 3, 4, kitchen cart, to the last car. during the night I surround the whole carriage up to a dozen times. until finally I forgot to sleep until I woke up already at 4 am.

# 4 April 2014
I tried to sleep at 4 am, but eventually I could not sleep well until my friend who woke up at 4:30. around 6 am, the group # 32015 still in train. I tried to get out to enjoy the morning breeze and the sunrise. I feel the natural beauty of the train. after 2 hours from 6, finally arriving at the train station at 8 Gubeng Surabaya. Alhamdulillah. Once at the station, # 32 015 move to buses to continue turbud trip to Bali. The bus we were only one grade only, namely PIRATES! I am proud we can finally unwind after a dogged with many problems in school for almost a year together in school. The bus we get a lot of talk recently, new habits, and we began to understand each other circumstances. after 3 hours on the bus, our Friday prayers at a mosque that I do not know what its name because it has been forgotten. after Friday prayers, lunch and a short break, the group at # 32 015 1 all moved on. pirates friends are tired of so many children on the bus I was sleeping. strangely, after how many hours the train and bus journey, I have not felt fatigue as perceived some of my friends. trip was starting to feel old when it entered the path to the port. at 6, # 32015 first pulled over in a restaurant on the shore of the beach has been seen across the island of Bali there. after a time of prayer, dinner, we went back travel about 5 miles to the port. up in the harbor, we were all there on the bus ride to the stern and we were crossing the Bali strait for 1 hour old. The boat we have a lot of memories. after the command of captain namely: WELCOME BALI. we finally reached the island of Bali. after all turn from the ship, we were back on the bus each class. and the journey is still long up to 3 hours. when it gets to the island of Bali was eventually changed time zone into PST. we were instructed to add 1 hour pad watches and clocks that exist in our mobile phones. so we got on the island of Bali at 11 pm PST. it took 3 hours to arrive at Nirmala's in a city that does not know his name.

# 5 April 2014
WOW! 2 hours up at the hotel! all arrived safely! seemed happy faces of the # 32015 and cover the natural fatigue that has been in all the group after traveling for 30 hours from Bandung to Bali. I chose to sleep, because I was finally feeling the fatigue. but after trying to sleep for an hour, I again woke up at 4 and again I tidah feel strangely exhausted again. I tried to walk around all Nirmala hotel hallway. after some time, another committee finally woke his friends or so-called MORNING CALL. after all woke up, we shower, have breakfast and get ready for the first tour in bali, namely Tanjung Benoa. there we did a lot of watersport activities. one of which is a banana boat. There are also friends to the island turtle. after of Tanjung Benoa, we proceeded to Garuda Wisnu Kencana. After taking pictures and doing a game there, we watch a Kecak dance performance. there was already evening. after watching a Kecak performance, we proceed to # 32015 restaurant at Jimbaran Beach. there we were eating and partying. I think part of turbud most memorable was when in this jimbaran. After of Jimbaran, we finally returned to the hotel Nirmala back. Did not feel the time is at 10 pm. After arriving at the hotel, most of my friends sleep due to fatigue after a day of activities. I'm trying to sleep.

# 6 April 2014
After I tried to fall asleep, I finally woke up again at 3. I watch television until my friend knocked on the door and ... MORNING CALL .. Back our shower, and breakfast and get ready for the next tour in bali. We visited the village # 32015 Indigenous distant from Nirmala. I fell asleep on the bus back. after arriving in the traditional village, nothing too special, maybe I do not really like the custom bali, too many offerings. but the impression of the village is customary to have a drink named LOHLOH CEMCEM product. my friend said it felt very uncomfortable, but after that I tried it myself, not too bad .. haha. of the traditional village, we passed a mountain shelf and finally reached the restaurant Kintamani. Here all the food was like in heaven .. hehehe. after eating, we went back to the hotel Nirmala. upon arrival at the hotel, I immediately joined the committee to prepare the room and stage for makrab at night. Once everything is prepared, the entire # 32015 were in the ballroom to finally implement the core of turbud this event. this is the real party. Our force here also watched a video that contains trip # 32015 while in this school. and finally settled on spukul makrab 00.00. All # 32015 eventually returned to their rooms.

# 7 April 2014
PIRATES both men and women is not all sleep. and finally at 1 am we were ordered McD and expend all the energy the rest of the jokes and laughter in room 209, up at 4 all fast asleep. But at 6 again .. MORNING CALL. We are # 32015 getting ready to check out of the hotel Nirmala. At 8 am we set off directly to the Pandavas and our beach water with banana Pirates play there. we spend our energy there because it was our last day # 32015 were in Bali. after of the Pandavas, Krishna to us all, shopping in bali. after lots of shopping, we finally headed to the airport to continue the journey to Bandung and finally we come home safely .. It was my first time boarding a plane.

THANK YOU # 32015

Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

Gerund or invinitives

1. I adore reading your novel.
2. They anticipated winning PILPRES.
3. I tired going to school.
4. We postponed making any decision in the meeting.
5. I quit smoking.
6. They recommended rendering the video.
7. Messi celebrate playing the penalty shootout.
8. I describe cooking the omelette.
9. You finish working homework.
10. He understand learning History with Mr. Usep.

1. I can't afford to go to the zoo.
2. He agreed to practice more.
3. You should learn to talk with her.
4. They managed to open the gate.
5. I promise to give you some money.
6. You need to eat Omega 3.
7. I hope to can play football.
8. She refused to work in my company.
9. We planned to give him some motivation.
10. She need to ask him about the project.


    The lion ...(1)... the mammal animal which is live on the ground, not in the ...(2)... . It belongs to ...(3)... animal because it just eat other animal, or human, accidentally. When you give it the grass or fruit, it doesn't ...(4)... both of them.
    The lion ...(5)... life until 30 years old. But the standard age that lion can rise is 10 years old. It can 400-600 kg when it grows up around at age 7-8 years old. It contain also the feather that contained ...(6)... body.

1. A. was
    B. were
    C. can
    D. is
    E. are

2. A. forest
    B. savanna
    C. sea
    D. jungle
    E. zoo

3. A. Herbivore
    B. Omnivore
    C. Carnivore
    D. Weak
    E. Tame

4. A. kill
    B. eat
    C. throw away
    D. ripe
    E. get

5. A. could
    B. would
    C. had to
    D. have
    E. can be

6. A. its
    B. their
    C. them
    D. whose
    E. your

I sat pensively in the stalls . Just waiting for the rain that never let up since 2 hours ago . While confirming shoelaces , I saw the rain suddenly subsided , and come a month . I'm surprised with the current situation , but I immediately went on my way home because it was already 8 pm .
In the middle of the street , I suddenly found a brown cloth . as I approached , it turns white cloth that had covered the ground and flooding on the curb . At first , I was not crucial to the existence of the cloth . But my hand suddenly took the cloth and then I find out what the fabric content . But there are people around me who are running as well . I quickly go back to your home .When I got home , I opened the white cloth tied it . My touch and looks like sugar . But I think back , the cloth was soaked in mud . I wash the fabric first . My mother had come home from outside the house earlier, and then straight to me . " What's that ? " asked the mother . I went straight to my room quickly fast cloth to hide it .I'm more curious about the fabric . Then I investigated the contents of the cloth . It turns out that the fabric contains a paper that is dirty , very dirty . For some reason , even just a piece of cloth , but I'm very curious about the fabric .Completely exhausted , I fell asleep in my room . And at the time of sleep , I was dreaming . I 've never met someone who I know , but when in a dream I like very familiar with it . He told me that he wanted a fabric that I found was on the road . Anyway I immediately woke up and immediately check if the fabric is still there or not .When I looked , it had no cloth everywhere . The whole house was all found , no white cloth . I was immediately scared and chose to go back to sleep . Time was 2 o'clock in the morning . When re- awoke at 5 am , I find it highly scented cloth and clean . I investigate the fabric , and I found a letter in it .I read the letter, and I gasped . I went straight to my mother and it turns out she 's dead for good . I went back looking for the white cloth again , it was gone . The letter is " It's your mother hood ! Thank you for your find ya ! Take good care of yourself ! " I was sobbing by this incident . 

7. What the writer felt when the rain subsided?
    A. He felt surprised.
    B. He felt sad.
    C. He felt annoyed.
    D. He felt exhausted.
    E. He felt conscious.

8. What the writer do when he found the cloth?
    A. He quickly go back to home.
    B. He play with the cloth.
    C. He want to find another cloth.
    D. He ignored it.
    E. All choice false.

9. Why he found out the cloth when he awake?
    A. Because he want it.
    B. He get the cloth to wash it.
    C. He wanna know about the cloth.
    D. He know from his dream tonight.
    E. All choice true.

10. What the summary that you can't get from this story?
    A. Don't waste your time to do some stupid useless thing.
    B. Don't forget about your parents.
    C. Always forgive your parents.
    D. Don't be selfish person.
    E. Don't be very excessive to one case in your life

Inspiring Story

The real story, happened in Pakistan. A renowned Surgeon Dr. (Dr. Ishan)
a hurry to the airport. He plans to attend the World Seminar in field
medicine, who will discuss the greatest discoveries in medicine.
After about 1 hour plane ride, suddenly announced that the plane had
interference and must land at an airport near you.

He went to the room lighting and said: I am a special doctor, every minute of human life depends to me, and now you ask me to wait plane repaired in 16 hours? Employees say: O doctor, if you are in a hurry you can rent a car, tujuanmanda not far away from here, about 3 hours by car to arrive.

Dr. Ishan agrees with the proposal of the employee and hire a car. New walk 5 minutes, suddenly overcast weather, followed by a large rain accompanied by lightning resulting visibility is very short.

After almost 2 hours passed, they realized they were lost and felt exhausted. Looks a little house not far from the front, dihampirilah the house and knocked.

There was the sound of an old woman: Please login, Who is this?

Opened the door. He went in and asked the mother to sit and rest to borrow his phone.
Mom smiled and said: "Call what son? Are you not aware there where? Here there is no electricity, let alone a phone. Nevertheless, please go sit down before the break, a moment I make tea and a bit of food for refresh and restore your strength. "

Dr. Ishan thanked the mother, then eat the dish. While
mother was praying and praying and slowly approached a little boy
lying motionless on the maternal side of the mattress, and he looks agitated between each
prayer. The mother went on a long prayer with a prayer.

The doctor came to him and said: By Allah, you have impressed me with your friendliness and your moral glory, may God answer your prayer-prayer.

The mother said: Son, you are already informed ibn sabil God for help. While my prayer-prayer has been answered God all except one. Asked Dr. Ishan: What is prayer? Mother said: This boy is my grandson, he's an orphan. He suffered from incurable by doctors that are here. They told me there was a surgeon who will be able to cure it; he said his name Dr. Ishan, but she lives far away from here, which does not allow me to bring the kids there, and I worried about anything happening on the road. So I pray to God to make it easier.

Weep Dr. Ishan sobbed and said: Allahu Akbar, Laa illa billah quwwata Haula wala. By Allah, indeed the mother has made prayer is broken and must be repaired aircraft old and make a thunderstorm and mislead us, Just for mom drive me to quickly and precisely. I was Dr. Ishan Bu, indeed Allah has made a cause like this to His servants the mu-min with prayer. It is God's command to me to treat this child

Source : http://www.kisahinspirasi.com/2014/04/jangan-berhenti-berdoa.html

Troy (2004)

"Troy" is based on the epic poem The Iliad by Homer, according to the credits. Homer's estate should sue. The movie sidesteps the existence of the Greek gods, turns its heroes into action movie cliches and demonstrates that we're getting tired of computer-generated armies. Better a couple of hundred sweaty warriors than two masses of 50,000 men marching toward one another across a sea of special effects.

The movie recounts the legend of the Trojan War, as the fortress city is attacked by a Greek army led by Menelaus of Sparta and Agamemnon of Mycenae. The war has become necessary because of the lust of the young Trojan prince named Paris (Orlando Bloom), who while during a peace mission to Sparta, seduces the city-state's queen, Helen (Diane Kruger).

This action understandably annoys Helen's husband, Menelaus (Brendan Gleeson), not to mention Paris' brother Hector (Eric Bana), who points out, quite correctly, that when you visit a king on a peace mission, it is counterproductive to leave with his wife.

What the movie doesn't explain is why Helen would leave with Paris after an acquaintanceship of a few nights. Is it because her loins throb with passion for a hero? No, because she tells him: "I don't want a hero. I want a man I can grow old with." Not in Greek myth, you don't. If you believe Helen of Troy could actually tell Paris anything remotely like that, you will probably also agree that the second night he slipped into her boudoir, she told him, "Last night was a mistake."

The seduction of Helen is the curtain-raiser for the main story, which involves vast Greek armies laying siege to the impenetrable city. Chief among their leaders is Achilles, said to be the greatest warrior of all time, but played by Brad Pitt as if he doesn't believe it. If Achilles was anything, he was a man who believed his own press releases. Heroes are not introspective in Greek drama, they do not have second thoughts, and they are not conflicted.

Achilles is all of these things. He mopes on the flanks of the Greek army with his own independent band of fighters, carrying out a separate diplomatic policy, kind of like Ollie North. He thinks Agamemnon is a poor leader with bad strategy and doesn't really get worked up until his beloved cousin Patroclus (Garrett Hedlund) is killed in battle.

Patroclus, who looks a little like Achilles, wears his helmet and armor to fool the enemy, and until the helmet is removed everyone thinks that Achilles has been slain. So dramatic is that development that the movie shows perhaps 100,000 men in hand-to-hand combat, and then completely forgets them in order to focus on the Patroclus battle scene, with everybody standing around like during a fight on the playground.
Pitt is a good actor and a handsome man, and he worked out for six months to get buff for the role, but Achilles is not a character he inhabits comfortably. Say what you will about Charlton Heston and Victor Mature, but one good way to carry off a sword-and-sandal epic is to be filmed by a camera down around your knees, while you intone quasi-formal prose in a heroic baritone. Pitt is modern, nuanced, introspective; he brings complexity to a role where it is not required.

By treating Achilles and the other characters as if they were human, instead of the larger-than-life creations of Greek myth, director Wolfgang Petersen miscalculates. What happens in Greek myth cannot happen between psychologically plausible characters. That's the whole point of myth. Great films like Michael Cacoyannis' "Elektra," about the murder of Agamemnon after the Trojan War, know that and use a stark dramatic approach that is deliberately stylized. Of course, "Elektra" wouldn't work for a multiplex audience, but then maybe it shouldn't.

The best scene in the movie has Peter O'Toole creating an island of drama and emotion in the middle of all that plodding dialogue. He plays old King Priam of Troy, who at night ventures outside his walls and into the enemy camp, surprising Achilles in his tent. Achilles has defeated Priam's son Hector in hand-to-hand combat before the walls of Troy, and dragged his body back to camp behind his chariot. Now Priam asks that the body be returned for proper preparation and burial. This scene is given the time and attention it needs to build its mood, and we believe it when Achilles tells Priam, "You're a far better king than the one who leads this army." O'Toole's presence is a reminder of "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), which I saw again two weeks ago, and which proved that patience with dialogue and character is more important than action in making war movies work.

As for the Greek cities themselves, a cliche from the old Hollywood epics has remained intact. This is the convention that whenever a battle of great drama takes place, all the important characters have box seats for it. When Achilles battles Hector before the walls of Troy, for example, Priam and his family have a sort of viewing stand right at the front of the palace, and we get the usual crowd reaction shots, some of them awkward closeups of actresses told to look grieved.

In a way, "Troy" resembles "The Alamo." Both are about fortresses under siege. Both are defeated because of faulty night watchmen. The Mexicans sneak up on the Alamo undetected, and absolutely nobody is awake to see the Greeks climbing out of the Trojan Horse. One difference between the two movies is that Billy Bob Thornton and the other "Alamo" actors are given evocative dialogue, and deliver it well, while "Troy" provides dialogue that probably cannot be delivered well because it would sound even sillier that way.

Source : http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/troy-2004


Fohn winds or local winds is a wind that falls occur when there is movement of air masses climb a mountain with a height of over 200 meters. Air masses reach the mountain peak will arise eventually condenses and rain on one side of the slope. As for the other slopes rain does not occur because of the high mountains blocked. Areas that not experienced rain called a rain shadow areas.

In the rain shadow area of the wind over the mountain will move down the slopes of the muntains at high speeds. That led to rising temperatures, because every 100 meters down the air rises 1 C. Thus wind down is hot and dry. The wind that is called fohn wind.

Fohn winds in Indonesia are as follows :
1. Bahorok (Deli Serdang, North Sumatrea)
2. Kumbang (Cirebon, West Java)
3. Gending (Pasuruan, East Java)
4. Brubu ( Makassar, South Sulawesi)
5. Wambrauw (Biak, Irian Jaya)

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

IF Form

1.a. if my father gives me some money, i'll be happy
b. if my father gave me some money, i'd be happy
c. if my father had given me some money, i'd have been happy

2.a. if i have house, i'll buy a car
b. if i had house, i'd buy a car
c. if i had had house, i'd have bought a car

3.a. if my friend gives me ice cream, i'll eat it
b. if my friend gave me ice cream, i'd eat it
c. if my friend had given me ice cream, i'd have ate it

4.a. if i get worst exam in the class, i'll be sad
b. if i got worst exam in the class, i'd be sad
c. if i had gotten worst exam in the class, i'd have been sad

5.a. if my mother gives me a newspaper, i'll read it
b. if my mother gave me a newspaper, i'd read it
c. if my mother had given me a newspaper, i'd have been read it

6.a. i'll be smile, if I get a gift
b. i'd be smile, if i got a gift
c. i'd have been smile, if i had gotten a gift

7.a. i'll go to your house, if it is raining
b. i'd go to your house, if it was raining
c. i'd have go to your house, if it had been raining

8.a. i'll buy a computer, if you give me car
b. i'd buy a computer, if you gave me car
c. i'd have bought a computer, if you had given me car

9.a. i'll be angry, if you kiss me
b. i'd be angry, if you kissed me
c. i'd have been angry, if you had kissed me

10.a. i'll go home, if you win this game
b. i'd go home, if you won this game
c. i'd have go home, if you had won this game

Student Council


Let me introduce myself. I come from XI Science 2 grade, and i want to tell you about the school where we have to study. So I give one question to you, how about your feeling when you come to this school You feel glad, sad, satisfied, or boring? Yes, only yourself can feel your feeling.

No matter about your feeling, what the next thing you will do for our school? Just come to school, sit to receive the subject studyfrom the teacher, and then go homewith empty skill? Remember friend! You go to school to shape your self skill, to share with our friend, to make your ability, not only for studying. All about your young-aged life that you can explore and take them when you go to school. You can search your personality here to get the better life. Anything you can take in our school.

So, here I am, I want to take you all to get all-thing that you want to do in our school and to maximalize our self-skill that we all searching in our young age.You want to maximalize your value in all subject? Here we are! We can do this! It can be occupied when we are in one unite to take that mission! You want to improve your activity in your club? Here we are! We can! We can!

But, how about your wish, if you aren't have your motivation in yourself? You just take all it in your wish list. So, here I am! I want you to vote the student leader who can motivate you! The wish always be the wish if you not started the thing that you need.

You need your motivation from yourself to get all things that you wish for build our better life and for ourschool, OK? I am Alza Amirzan, and, here we are for our success!